Wednesday, January 12, 2011


so the whole not eating thing today was a fail.

okay new idea...during the week ill do hours, meaning i'll see how many hours i can go without food after i eat breakfast and bit by bit i'll extend those hours until i am fully in control of when i eat.
during the weekend (starting friday) i'll divide it three ways, one day i get to eat whatever i want (this day is reserved for days when my friends want to have binge fests so that they dont get worried) one day i'll do the hour thing and the other day i'll eat whenever i want but only healthy foods

i think knowing one day im allowed to eat whatever i want will keep me from binging through out the week.

the only exceptions are dates or family/friend food gatherings that i can't get out of but i should still try to stick to salads for those

wish me luck
im going to need it
ill probably binge tonight and start 2m

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you're able to reassess your goals, I can't wait to see how these work out for you. And thanks for saying that about my face. It's nice however little I believe it.
