Monday, January 3, 2011

Bagels = the death of me, Feelings I hate

dear bagels
why were you invented? you are so delicious and i cant help myself but to eat one, or two, maybe three... well shit i've already screwed myself over i might as well eat another one so i have less to binge on tomorrow. sigh. whether you're blueberry, multigrain or walnut cranberry i will eat you until you are all gone. Bagels, you ruin any chance i have to not be a fat lard for the rest of my fucking life. I HATE YOU and yet i love you with every fiber of my being. But why? You are merely bread. Some wheat, some flour, some misc ingredients. You offer me nothing but pain. So why do i insist on having you?

I hate that deep emotional feeling. The one that is sitting at the bottom of your throat - - choking - -. The one that makes you sit mindless...thoughtless...because you are consumed by this deep feeling.
The Lovely Hurt sent me this song today, said it was his new song

i ate a fucking amount today
i blame the pre periodness
so i say fuck it today
im eating


  1. The worst is Asiago bagels from Noah's. I could literally eat a dozen.

  2. Love/Hate letter to bagels = awesome. I love you. I was crazy eating the other day and then when I started bleeding, it all made sense. So I support you blaming the PMS. :)
