In good news I weighed myself today. After a couple rough eating days and my lack of exercise I was very pleasantly surprised when I weighed myself and discovered I weighted 97.8lbs. This definitely brightened my day. Just three more pounds and I'll be at my goal weight for the school year and I can start working towards my ultimate goal weight of 89lb.
I am getting nervous however because my mom is starting to make comments about my weight. She discovered that I'd been purging this summer. I know if I start getting down to 89 she'll flip out. She keeps saying I look thinner but honestly I think I look larger than I did while I was on vacation with my friends this summer and when I left for school and she didn't say anything about it then, so I don't know what her deal is. Honestly I think the issue is that she's been looking at my sister who is the same height as I am, but we have a different build. She's beautiful and a curvier build than I am. It's not even a diet thing, it's just how she's built, she's always had bigger boobs and a rounder face than me. She's built more like my mom and I'm built more like my dad. I just think she's use to seeing my sister (since she still lives at home) and just thinks I look thinner since I am thinner than her.
Either way I am going to keep going until I feel like I can look good in my jeans for the fall.
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