Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Fleeting Moment

Have you ever had the feeling that life is fleeting? That someone you have known all your life could instantly dissappear...
This is how I've been feeling since Midnight on my birthday.

DEC 8th:
My sister comes into my room while I'm unpacking and tells me she has to tell me something. We go to her room where she informs that she has been cutting, and a friend she told ended up telling our parents. I am forever grateful to this friend. I am extremely angry at my friend who is almost like a mom to my sister, she also knew and didn't tell my parents.

DEC 10th
I got off work today to find a text from my mom to call her, my sister saying she didnt think we could hang out tonight and our neighbor asking me what was wrong with my sister. I called my mom- no answer. I called the neighbor who informed me that my parents took my sister to the hospital she was going to be therapy at...but thats not for another month and they had to talk to a social worker. The neighbor told me that they'd been there since about a half hour since I'd left for work, and that it had something to do with my parents finding something my sister had written.
When I got home I sat in my car and called my ex (we are still super good friends and sort of getting back together) and avoided going inside. I didn't want to go in and by alone, because the house looked dark but even more than that I didn't want to go in and see my tired parents who now always look to be on the verge of a break down.
Finally I went in, and they werent there, but when they did get home I was informed that my sister had written about thinking about suicide, and that she had been taking pain killers we had left over from getting our wisdom teeth pulled back in march.

I am so terrified I'm going to get a call while I'm at work saying that shes gone forever.

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