My friends and i have a fb thread we all keep in touch with while we are away at college. A friend of mine who is at the college i'm transferring to next semester put something about not being able to wait to come home to hang out with some REAL friends. I know she's had some probs with her roommate who is a girl not in my friend group but in her other group. So i messaged her on fb just to see what was going on because her message gave off a "the world is full of backstabbers" vibe. Maybe I'm just watching to much of The Hills. Anyways she told me she woke up this morning to her roommate and another on of her friends, who I'm best friends with when we drink haha we have alot of common friends but dont get along great sober (when drunk she tells me the reason she hates me because shes always jealous of me, which is funny cause im wayy jealous of her.) Anyways my friend woke up to these two girls bashing her for an hour! These are the girls she spends all her time with at school. I feel so bad for her. I wish I was there now to help her get thru this. I hate catty girls! My college now is very undramatic just because i don't know enough people to have drama with. But next semester is going to be different. Hopefully I'm ready to deal with the Catty world again =/
In other news I dreamt about my desire to be thin. I rarely actually have dreams where i acknowledge my fattness and desire to lose wheight. I only have dreams when im fasting or restricting about eating a ton of food I shouldn't and waking up so realived with i realize it didn't actually happen. In my dream last night i stood infront of a mirror pulling at every piece of flab on my body and realizing that no matter how much i lose i will never like the way i look, or look like the girls in the magazines or on the hills because I'm too short to look anything but a fucking twelve year old.
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