Size: 3 (US)
Age: Teens
Highest Weight: 110lbs
Lowest Weight: 89lbs
Goal Weight: 95lbs
Favorite Diet Food?
diet pills and Water
Favorite Binge Food?
Pizza, Ice Cream and Crackers
Favorite Exercise?
Running, Abs and Yoga
Anything graceful
What Makes You Slip Up?
Lack of Motivation or When I'm depressed about something.
What Makes You Strong?
Friends. Also when I want to impress someone i usually make myself become strong.
When Did It Start?
Sixth grade, but more intensely sept 2010
Does Anyone Know?
Most friends no i have weird eating habits, some no more than others, but no one except those on here no the true extent
Do You Want Help?
sometimes i do just because i want this all to be over, but then i realize that without this i'm not me. it's part of who i am. if i lose this choice, i lose part of me
How Many Calories Do You Consume A Day?
changes all the time
What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?
short.fat.fat.fat.rolls and rolls
Are You In A Relationship?
No. But sometimes i feel like i am. I wish i was.
Is It For Attention?
The basis of it isn't the intensity of it is not. But sometimes i'll mention the surface of it to certain friends to see how much they are willing to understand me
Are You The Fat Or Thin One Out Of Your Friends?
because i'm short number wise im one of the thinnest but i don't look like the thinnest because i'm short
Are You Depressed?
i havent been diagnosed, but sometimes i wonder if i am these days...but i think its just situational
Ever Tried To Commit Suicide?
Never. I hate finality.
Ever Been To A Psychologist?
Are You On Any Medication?
Acne Meds ha...
I AM -
[ ] anorexic
[x] ednos
[ ] bulimic
[ ] living off diet pills
[x] hungry
[x] thirsty
[ ] drinking something
[ ] eating something
[ ] under 100lbs
[x] starving myself
[ ] participating in a fast
[ ] vegan
[x] ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic
[ ] call me fat
[ ] say I’m skinny
[ ] say I’m ugly
[x] say I’m pretty
[ ] spread rumors about me
[x] force me to eat
[ ] say I eat too much
[x] wish I’d eat more
[x] don't know I'm anorexic/bulimic
[ ] have tried to stop me
[x] I was thin
[x] I had a better body
[x] I didn't have to eat
[x] I could control myself
[ ] I was under 110lbs
[x] I could avoid food
[x] I could hide what I am
[x] I wasn’t fat
[x] I was prettier
[ ] I could stop being ana/mia
[x] I had a boy/girlfriend
[ ] I could disappear
[ ] feeling hungry
[x] seeing a difference
[ ] shaking
[ ] being weak (but strong at the same time)
[x] losing weight
[ ] being anorexic/bulimic
[ ] green tea
[x] diet pills
[x] being able to turn down food
[x] feeling good about myself
[ ] when people stare
[x] being asked questions
[x] having to eat
[x] being single
[x] wearing short skirts
[x] being fat
[x] looking ugly
[x] feeling this way
[ ] fat people
[x] more support
[x] people to stay out of my business
[ ] more friends
[x] someone to know
[x] less food
[x] more water
[ ] a gym membership
[x] to lose 50 lbs
[x] to lose 30 lbs
[x] to lose 10lbs
Hello girls as you may have notice I have a new blogger once again!! The first time I was clumsy and deleted it the second time however my blog was reported and shut down!! Unfortunately for the person who reported me, they are unaware of my DETERMINATION and MOTIVATION to make a POSITIVE change!!
I hope you all are having an AWESOME week and sorry I could not be there to share it with you. However I am back and hope we can support each other =)
“Life's ups and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals - Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want”
Bree =)