Thursday, December 16, 2010

Healther Side of Normal=FAIL

okay so apparently i can't be normal, i have to be one extreme of the other.
i did okay being healthy until about four, which is when that banana bread stuff was done...i ate probably more than half of it =( ugh

in other news i'm feeling decently prepared for my exams, me and a friends studied over the phone and i only got a couple of the questions wrong =)

and 2m looks promising =)

  • exams (precal and psychology so i should do okay)
  • work out w/ abbe
  • take abbee home
  • shower
  • pick out adorable outfit (something good for running around but can be altered for a party)
  • look at monday's exam stuff/distract self
  • babysit
  • party
  • home and straight to bed so i don't binge
i think i should be able to stay away from food...hopefully ha

well im off to bed

goodnight dears
sweet dreams to you all <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're feeling good about your exams. Good luck, and I'm sorry you're feeling down about the banana bread. I find if I don't give it away almost immediately, I always binge on things I bake. It's the worst, because I love it. Good luck tomorrow on your plan, sounds good!
